Retirement Home for Horses

The Retirement Home for Horses at Mill Creek Farm is probably one of the most peaceful places I have ever been to. It's 335 acres of land is kind of like a sanctuary for horses in need.

They currently have 140 horses that are all retired at the farm. All the horses come from different backgrounds; a lot of them worked for police stations and sheriff departments, some were sadly abandoned or simply because an owner couldn't take care of the horse anymore. Each horse lives out their lives in peace and tranquility with care and attention...and plenty of food.

Many horses that arrived at the farm sick and frightened, or suffer emotional scars from abuse and neglect are examined by a vet, and they are given specialized care and attention. They check on their health regularly.

I went here on my 21st birthday, and it was so beautiful, and I didn't want to leave. Everyone who works at the farm is a volunteer, and they are very informative about each horse.

You can visit the farm every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and your admission is a bag of carrots! I also like to bring a bag of apples.

Visit their website:


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