Filming Projects

One of my good friends is graduating this semester with a degree in telecommunications - media and society at the University of Florida. As part of his bachelors degree, he must complete an undergraduate research/thesis. He called it "The American Experience," it was a look inside the three different races - Black, Hispanic and White who are either American and live here, or are from another country and discuss their experience living in America.

He asked many different questions that were touchy subjects that has a different side to each answer, he also pertained some questions based on their race and their sexual orientation, and how they dealt with stigma, racism and even hate. Some questions were: 

- Do you feel discriminated in some places, or have you been discriminated in some places based on your ethnicity?

- As a latina growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood, did you ever feel unwanted or different? Did you miss the culture back home in Puerto Rico?

- Do you think there is white privilege, and why?

- Have you noticed times where you were accepted more or welcomed as a white person, compared to someone with a different ethnic background or race?

He also asked questions on politics and how that may affect them, controversial topics like the Serena Williams political cartoon or the Dove commercial that received backlash, etc.

This is a little different than my regular blog post, but I think this pertains to everybody. I currently live in Gainesville, and have lived in Florida my whole life. A lot of people can answer these same questions, but I find it interesting because it is sort of a hidden gem. Everybody has a different answer because we are all different; the things we have experienced, where we grew up, who we lived with and the influence from others.

Overall, I had a great time filming and I put some photos and videos on my Snapchat, take a look:


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