
Showing posts from May, 2019

Life as a Journalism Student

As most of you may know, I am studying Telecommunication - News at the University of Florida, also known as broadcast journalism. When I first started at UF, I had no idea what I was entering. Once classes began, the program exceeded my expectations of what I would be learning. My thoughts on Telecommunication was that I was going to learn how to be on-air and work with cameras. Well, I learned that and so much more. I am learning how to become a journalist; that entails writing stories about current events, going out in the greater Gainesville area and finding stories and reporting on them, and covering breaking news. I love it, and I am hoping to find a job at a news station once I graduate college. I couldn't have achieved this much without the help of the Center for Media Innovation . Their goal is to develop the newest journalism and communication forms. They are creating new ways of telling the stories that journalists tell, to create new means of disseminating strategic