Life as a Journalism Student

As most of you may know, I am studying Telecommunication - News at the University of Florida, also known as broadcast journalism.

When I first started at UF, I had no idea what I was entering. Once classes began, the program exceeded my expectations of what I would be learning. My thoughts on Telecommunication was that I was going to learn how to be on-air and work with cameras. Well, I learned that and so much more. I am learning how to become a journalist; that entails writing stories about current events, going out in the greater Gainesville area and finding stories and reporting on them, and covering breaking news. I love it, and I am hoping to find a job at a news station once I graduate college.

I couldn't have achieved this much without the help of the Center for Media Innovation. Their goal is to develop the newest journalism and communication forms. They are creating new ways of telling the stories that journalists tell, to create new means of disseminating strategic communications and to research the effectiveness of both.

With the Center for Media Innovation has digital labs where I can get together with my classmates where we can brainstorm ideas for future projects and documentaries, work on assignments for some of our classes, etc. They also have a website that provides a medium for research. Consortium participants will conduct and discuss research on digital topics related to online journalism, online advertising, political communication, public-health education, public-interest communications and social-change messaging, among other areas.

Here are some photos of my friends and I working in the labs, and pictures of me working as a journalist:

4/18/19 - The last day I anchored the WUFT 5pm newscast for the spring semester

2/27/19 - Covering a meeting from Wild Spaces and Public Spaces in Gainesville. I spoke with City Architect Sarit Sela

4/25/19 - About to go live for one of my Morning Edition cast for 89.1/90.1 NPR News and Talk.


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