Butterfly Fest

Each year, the Florida Museum of Natural History hosts the Butterfly Fest ButterflyFest. It's an annual free festival to celebrate backyard wildlife with an emphasis on pollinators! From native butterfly releases, live animals, workshops and plant sales to vendors, entertainment and food, all activities are fun-for-all-ages!

Butterfly fest is held once a year. The evnt promoted the Florida Museums exhibit, the Butterfly Rainforest.

Butterfly Rainforest exhibit admission is $14 for adults ($12 Fla. residents) and $7 for ages 3-17. Admission is free for Museum members and UF students with a valid Gator 1 card. Some vendors may charge for their services.

They had food trucks, a plant sale and some local vendors selling their products like honey, paintings and both products like soap.

Here are some tweets and photos I took during the event:

It's a very kid-friendly event with different learning stations and crafts for them to be interactive.

They also had a huge plant sale going on. Everybody was looking to take one home!

Inside the Florida Museum, they had all volunteers wear nametags so you can ask them any questions you have on any exhibit currently at the museum. They had a lot of people who specialized in butterflies, of course, and everyone got to play with some little caterpillars....including me!

My mom loves honey, and one of the vendors gave free samples for everyone to try.


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